Stanislav Fomenok. Time View
Humanity has been discussing the relativity of the phenomena of such life sphere as art for more than a century. At the same time, it was not just one "century" that in its own way determined the milestones of the art process.
"Time will tell," - we often say, entering into polemics about the para-artistic topics of today. However, the relativity of such a concept as the time has also been discussed by people for many ages already.
So, while savouring this topic in the artistic plane, we set aside a few indisputable circumstances – a "point of reference" and a "point of view". After all, the correlation between two views – the artist's view of the time and the view of the artist's work in time – remains too strong. The conditions of the environment during the artist's evolution are too closely related to the pace of the artistic mechanisms movement in general.
In this complex aspect, the wok of artists "on the threshold" – on the brink of time, epochs, cultures, states – is extremely interesting. With these two words we can characterize the conditions of creative development our hero – Stanislav Fomenok. He is an artist who had to work at the turn of the millennium, at the collapse of one state and at the native state gaining independence, who had a chance to change the artistic climate of the post-Soviet homeland to a different one - the European, which had been formed long ago and in its own way.
A large-scale one-person exhibition of an honoured artist of Ukraine Stanislav Fomenok, exposed in the Dnipropetrovks Art Museum from October 6 to November 5, 2017, for a good reason turned out to be in this place and at this time. Despite the fact that the artist has been living in the capital city of Bavaria – Munich for 21 already, Stanislav Fedorovych still remembers our city and its Art Museum.
And this is understandable.
Many artist’s memories and creative achievements of the “Soviet” period of his life are related to the city on the Dnipro – from the time of entering the Dnipropetrovsk Art School in 1958 and to the move to Germany in 1996.
It was in the Dnipropetrovsk Art Museum that Stanislav Fomenok mastered the basics of artistic profession (before 1974 the basement and the first floors of the building hosted the Dnipropetrovsk Art School, which S.F. Fomenok graduated from in 1966), and it was here that in 1981 his first large-scale one-person exhibition took place. In the four halls, where his works were exhibited in celebration of the artist’s 40th anniversary, the present-day exhibition was displayed.