The portrait genre is significant in the works of S.Fomenok. Human "soul" melody, inner life, psychological truth can be always seen in his portraits. Sometimes a portrait composition turns into the story and is imbued with living material and sympathy to a person portrayed. A model attracts the artist by the concentration of his/her inner life. A person seems to live alone, in solitude, deep in thought and retreat into himself. The image of a person in a self-absorbed condition is the main psychological motif in the artist’s portrait creative activity. S. Fomenok is well aware of his model-the way to behave, to listen to, behaviour and clothing patterns in interaction between general and specific, public and private thoughts, and consequently a portrait of a specific person is transformed into the image of a certain profession. "Ballerina”, "Portrait of Miner", "Steel Maker", "Portrait of Milkmaid", "Woman-welder” , “ Portrait of Teacher ’’Student", "Fisherman”.
The artist always clearly and accurately conveys the general mood and the inner state of the model in the portrait interpretation as well as in landscape or still life. In general, the portraits of S. Fomenok can speak not only about the model’s traits of character, but also about the typical state of mind of a particular person. The traits of psychological identity are always visible in the appearance of the model. Only thus a portrait becomes an image. "Portrait of Artist”, “Portrait of Mother", "Talk about Kandinsky", “ Girl in Red Dress”, “Portrait of Wife”, “Self-portrait”.
A portrait is reflection of human life. Images of people are imbued with heart warmth and open up the possibility to viewers to imagine the fate and human nature that gives concreteness to the portraits of S. Fomenok. The theme of reflection is characteristic of his portraits and it combines them into a cycle of close artistic and imaginative works. Equally with landscapes and still-life, portraits are also examples of direct expression of the artist’s lyrical mood, as the artist reconstitutes life notes of the human inner world, the state of mind of the model, completely and clearly transmitted it to the viewer, because the artists draws not only what he sees, but what the viewer will see: "Parisian", “Portrait of Girl”, “Bride", “Spanish woman” , "Natasha", “Girl with a Doll". “The states of mind of a person should be expressed in such a way, as they are expressed in life,” wrote A.Chekhov. The artist is able to stop a moment, and it provides an opportunity to meditate, to concentrate and see the beauty and richness of the complex inner life.