Landscape occupies a special place in the works of S.Fomcnok. The pictures, depicted the images of nature and man, provide an opportunity to assess in full the identity of his creative talent, wealth of his palette, great skills in handling the means of plein-air painting. The artist himself says that his painting is characteristic of plein-air solution of a motif. Plein-air in his paintings is not just a formal means of transferring sunlight and complex modelling of colourful and light reflections on objects and plants, on humans, situated in light and air environment, it helps the artist to express the closeness of man and nature, and its indissoluble connection with an event occurs.
Landscape is the natural environment where the artist finds expression in the main feature of his artistic talent in sketches and paintings, and it becomes a creative need for expression of feelings, thoughts and mood. The artist's landscape palette Is varied - spring, summer, autumn, winter. His landscapes are often filled with natural light, they emit light. "I love painting the Sun", says the artist. Air and sunshine flood into his best works. The sunlight for the artist is not just a natural phenomenon, but it's the soul of nature, its joy. purity and warmheartedness. His landscapes are dynamic, with beautiful transitions, with change of states, with an emotional pictorial solution. He is able to convey the inner, endlessly changing landscape harmony. This is sky. earth, water, trees, snow, etc. The artist reckons that spring is the favourite time of the year for painting a landscape. April is the month of birth of the artist. ”1 love spring most of all. I love its overflow, its rapid stream where each chip, like a ship, has so much space that you can't take in it at a glance." he repeats a poem by S. Esenin. That's why landscape motifs of spring are especially poetic: “March. Last Snow", "Spring in the Forest", "March Sun". "Pussy-willow in Blossom". "Happy May", "April. Birch Paradise". The artist uses a variety of art techniques for spring images, subtle nuances in the changing moods of nature, owing to this his spring motives sound like the anthem to the glory of land, the symbol of its perpetual renovation. In the summer motifs of the landscape the artist shows his worth in craftsmanship passing rich shades of summer greenery, delicate nuances of light and air environment. He uses a complex pictorial method of contre-a-jour that attaches purely impressionistic perception to his landscapes: "Summer at Dacha". "Sunflowers in Bloom", "Apple Tree in July". "At the Seaside in Summer". "August". "June Heat". "Sultry Day". "Recreation in the Garden". "Summer on the River Bank".
Autumn motives with gold tints, sadness and joy are diverse in mood and character of the artistic image. “Autumn is charm of my eyes, your farewell beauty is pleasant to me." wrote A.Pushkin, and the autumn landscapes of the artist are in tune with the poet's verses to the audience: "Autumn". "Evening Silence ". "Stacks". "Rainy Day "."Gold Autumn "."Autumn Day in the Park "." Birch Grove "."October Came”.
The artist's landscape series would be incomplete without his winter landscapes. He is attracted to a variety of mood in winter (so called “zimki”). the solar rural motifs of winter with snow, with blue shadows on snow, expressing a sense of dreaminess, elegance and optimism. A town in Germany, where the artist draws willingly winter landscapes, is the mountainous town of Weiler (Weiler im АИдёи). Grey, silvery colours of winter landscape in Weiler are especially poetic. But sunny snowy motifs stand out particularly because the soul of joy. light mood of frosty winter and a feeling of warmth in the cold sparkling white snow are visible in them: "Sun Alley." Mountain Landscape "." Winter Games on the Channel Mountain Ash in Winter Winter in the City"." Winter Tale in the Forest ".
Images of nature in the artist's landscapes are lifelike and poetic and we do not only see vivid colours of the environment, but it seems we hear sounds, rustles, feel the weather, sunshine, sultry day. sound of the wind, silence of the evening twilight. The artist puts supply of his creative energy and his personal emotional attitude into every landscape. Indefatigable thirst for cognition of the finest tints and colours of nature, the desire to give all their wealth constantly lives in the artist. And. it is no coincidence that the landscape comes in the artist’s paintings as an organic shaped component and plays a big role in the disclosure of the author's message. This is a secret of his painting, which can be described as romantic impressionism, as he follows in his works to impressionist painting characterized by motion to light, colour and air, freshness and good spirits, subtle and expressive colour vision, romance of life situations and wonderful blessed moments.