Andreas Muller. Art critic
His paintings are recognizable and added their voices to the polyphony of contemporary art of painting. The element of his creativity and his individuality is inextricably linked with the plein air – sunshine, clear sound of the colour, its airiness, shimmer and competent expert solution of the picture theme. The path to the image of the painting is formed through the creation of an integral art atmosphere of the open air, where the person and the natural environment, the reality and sincerity of the depicted motive merge seamlessly.
S. Fomenok is an artist of romantic impressionism. He has great creative potential and successfully works in all genres of fine arts, whether it be still life, landscape, portrait or genre picture. For the creation of a series of paintings and the artistic contribution to the fine arts of Ukraine, in 1985, the artist was awarded the title of an Honoured Artist of Ukraine.
Due to the circumstances, having emigrated to Germany in 1996, the city of Munich, the artist did not compromise his creative philosophy. The western world enriched his creativity with new themes and the artist had more opportunities to realize his artistic talent. The artist works a lot, arranges solo exhibitions and participates in various group art exhibitions, travelling around the countries of Europe. The recognition of the artist's work is the sale of his paintings at famous world auctions: Christies – London, England. Drouot – Paris, France. Duran – Madrid, Spain. Dorotheum – Vienna, Austria. Ketterer – Munich, Germany. He is a participants of about one hundred international art auctions. His paintings are constantly represented in the virtual galleries on the Internet and on his individual site ( The artist has already gone a long way of artistic life. So may his star of art be shining, casting light on and showing the beauty of the surrounding world to people.
Andreas Muller. Art critic